Easy Toque Pattern (For the Aunts)

This is the super secret easy toque pattern, for my Aunts in Alberta.

easy toque knitting pattern

I attached some photos of my toques, and I noticed some differing hairstyles as well. What a journey. Anyway, the pattern for each is different but those are details. Posted is the pattern for the black toque. Hope it’s easier than mom’s!

Oh, and I don’t know any of this knitting terminology—I apologize for any confusion. I also use metric and um…non-metric interchangably. Sorry.

easy toque knitting pattern hairstyle journey

Arbyn’s Easy Toque Pattern

Cap: With 4.5 mm needles cast on 81 stitches. Work in ribbing for 1.5 inches. Switch to 5.5 mm needles and work in stockinette stitch until 4.5 inches from beginning.

Crown: Row 1 = k8, k2 together; Row 2 = purl;. Row 3 = k7, k2 together; and then Row 4 = purl (Get the idea? Continue in this manner until 8 or 9 stitches remain).

Finish: Cut yarn, leaving a long end. Draw the end through remaining stitches, pull tightly and secure. Sew back seam.


Easy toque pattern. Cap: With 4.5 mm needles cast on 81 stitches. Work in ribbing for 1.5 inches. Switch to 5.5 mm needles and work in stockinette stitch until 4.5 inches from beginning. Crown: Row 1 = k8, k2 together; Row 2 = purl;. Row 3 = k7, k2 together; and then Row 4 = purl (Get the idea? Continue in this manner until 8 or 9 stitches remain). Finish: Cut yarn, leaving a long end. Draw the end through remaining stitches, pull tightly and secure. Sew back seam.

This size fits my head. I usually increase 8 stitches for men and decrease 8 stitches for children. I’m working on baby sizes. So far I can only size them to dolls (and don’t even ask about mittens).

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Posted is the pattern for the black toque. I call it Arbyn's Easy Toque Pattern. Hope it's easier than my mom's! This size fits my head. I usually increase 8 stitches for men and decrease 8 stitches for children. I'm working on baby sizes. So far I can only size them to dolls (and don't even ask about mittens).


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