Want to Know How to Rock Your Marketing?

What if you could rock your marketing while you’re busy so you stop having dry spells? (Spoiler: You can, and I’ll tell you how.)

Rock Your Marketing (Even if You're too Busy for Marketing)

Rock your marketing

Freelance writers are business owners, busy business owners. We’re so busy, we lack the time to work on our business because we’re always working in it for our clients.

Blogs, social media posts, and marketing in general fall by the wayside in favour of the now money.

But what about later? Do you go back to hustling when the gigs dry up? Do you stockpile your rainy day fund in case there’s no work for a while?

Before I get into how to rock your marketing, I have a little story for you.

I’m part of a bi-monthly marketing challenge in one of my professional networking groups and the most interesting parts of the challenge is how many people “sit this one out” citing they have a full client load so they don’t need marketing.

What? You’re too busy for marketing!?

This is difficult to hear. Because this tells me you’re not thinking about the long game, you’re focusing on the here and now. Don’t get me wrong, you should. But the present can’t be your sole focus.

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Here’s what no marketing plan gets you:

  • Scattered, inconsistent presentation in front of potential clients
  • Random posts and self-promotions on social media
  • Irregular networking (in person, virtual networking groups, bi-monthly marketing challenges…)
  • Unfamiliarity with competitors’ strategies

Oh, and no new clients. Unless you’re so busy month after month that you’re turning away new clients, you need marketing. Even when you’re too busy for marketing.

So, how do I rock my marketing even if I’m too busy for marketing?

I’m glad you asked. Since we’re at the beginning stages of this conversation I’m not going to ask you to do new things…yet.

Right now let’s focus on what you’re already doing and sprinkle in some focused marketing. Getting it going is the first step.

Rock your marketing with these three tips

First, think about the content you put out on social media right now

Be honest. When you post something on social media, what is it about?

  • Personal?
  • Photos of your weekend?
  • Political memes?
  • Food?

Is anything you post related to your business or how you serve your clients?

If you’re going to rock your marketing, I challenge you to consider your social media platforms places where you can attract new clients and brand yourself rather than something separate.

  • Who is your ideal client?
  • How can you help him/her today?
  • How can what you post be useful in moving him/her ahead?
  • Even better, how can you inspire someone?

Need help? Here’s your five-step social media strategy for freelance writers.

5 tips for optimizing your social media profiles ebook

By the way, this training also exists as an ebook. This seven-page ebook is a free download in my resource library. Sign up below and I’ll send you the access password.

Once you’re in the resource library navigate to the social media section and look for “Five Tips for Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles Ebook.”

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Second, carve out time to connect with your ideal clients or colleagues

And no, this does not mean sending out cold pitches by email. CONNECT!

Remember, I’m not asking you to do anything new…yet. So who are the people you speak to every day? Do you pass them on the street? In a store? In a restaurant?

Look them in the eye and make a connection. Start with hi, hello, how are you. One or all of those will do.

Next? Have a conversation. It doesn’t need to be deep or time-consuming, but make sure you mention something about how what you’re working on lights you up and you love your job.

Make a connection, then continue on with what you were doing.

But what if you don’t go out because you’re chained to your computer desk all day? How about a nice email to a contact? A check in, a hey how’s your business going? Is there anything I can help you with today?

Or how about an old client, why not send a nice note and see if there’s a project you can help out with. If not, no biggie. But you tried. You reached out. You connected.

Third, you don’t need to post new content every day

Hear me: you need to post content, but it doesn’t have to be new. Whoa.

This was a huge mental shift for me.

When I let go of the idea that every blog post was a slam dunk and lived on in my readers’ minds I was free to re-use them as appropriate. (By the way, I wrote about my favourite tools to re-share content here.)

I combed through my archives and pulled the articles I thought my ideal clients would enjoy.

Then I plugged them into a content library, created a schedule and let them go.

I’m still amazed at the freedom I feel setting up this small automation.

Because I can accept that not everyone will see my LIFE-CHANGING articles and freelance writing tips the moment I write them I’m free to keep sharing them on various platforms.

All it takes is this careful balance of humility and pride.

Want to learn how to rock your marketing?

See? That wasn’t so bad. Don’t you feel ready to rock your marketing?

These three itty bitty marketing tweaks can help you ROCK your marketing!

Visualize how stress-free your freelance marketing game could be. Dream big, my friend.

Now, a word of caution.

You can go down the marketing rabbit trail and end up overwhelmed and not sure which shiny object to focus on.

Because there is always more you can do. All we’re talking about today is not doing nothing.

Don’t do nothing.

Keep putting yourself out there, even if you’re busy and have a full client roster.

Continue networking, keep posting relevant, helpful content on social media, and putting your work out there even if you haven’t created anything new in a while.

Keep going!

What if you could rock your marketing while you're busy so you stop having dry spells? (Spoiler: You can, and I'll tell you how.)

One more thing. If you’ve got these three daily tasks down you may be interested in my free resource library. This is where I keep my files, downloads, ebooks, worksheets and whatever else I manage to create. I love sharing what I learn and want to keep adding to this library so it becomes a wealth of helpful goodness.

This is a free resource but I do require a password to access the library itself. You can get access by popping your email address into the form below.

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What if you could rock your marketing while you're busy so you stop having dry spells? (Spoiler: You can, and I'll tell you how.)
What if you could rock your marketing while you're busy so you stop having dry spells? (Spoiler: You can, and I'll tell you how.)

Extra credit: How to Weather Cash Flow Problems. Helpful advice from Ed Gandia.


Wondering how to craft a cold pitch? I have four pitch templates for you!

4 Pitch Templates

The fastest way I know how to make money as a freelance writer is to pitch companies with marketing budgets. Don’t know what to say in your pitches? Don’t worry—I’ve got four pitch templates you can start using right away!

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