Knitted Brain Slug (spoiler alert) Project

You know those hilarious brain slugs from Futurama? Well I found a knitted brain slug patter so…let’s get going!!!


Every now and then I browse around for free knitting patterns and every now and then I strike gold.

A knitted brain slug!!!

I’ve never made a toy before, nor knit anything needing stuffing (actually that’s not entirely true). And I’ve especially never followed a pattern so exactly. But… well it’s a brain slug!

What’s a Brain Slug?

Here’s the Wikipedia definition (with a bit of tightening…hey! I’m an editor):

Brain slugs are small, one-eyed, vaguely sluglike aliens who attach themselves to the people’s heads to control them. Brain slugs apparently use this as a method of trapping more “prey,” since those under brain slug control are driven by the desire to place brain slugs on other beings. The brain slug can be seen in numerous Futurama episodes.


Not only was it a fun-looking project, but I had three other reasons for taking it on.

  1. A co-worker lent me all five seasons of Futurama so I could see every episode and I wanted to thank him
  2. There was a stitch in the pattern I didn’t know!
  3. My bf thought it was amazing, and boys and knitting projects don’t generally go hand-in-hand so it was big encouragement

Well, the project went so well I actually made two brain slugs and they’re both long gone so I’m glad I had the wherewithal to take at least one photo of my handiwork. I might want to work on my stuffing abilities next time, and the eye is a bit big, but I won’t be too self-critical. It was really fun and easy.

Knitted brain slug pattern

That said, here’s the Brain Slug pattern I used. You know, just in case you’re curious and would like a knitted brain slug of your own.

Other free knitting patterns

You know those hilarious brain slugs from Futurama? Well I found a knitted brain slug patter so…let's get going!!!

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3 Responses

  1. Ummmm… LOVE IT! You know, in this house, boys and knitting definitely go together. 🙂 Glad you found a boy like that too.

    And I’m really curious – what was the stitch that motivated you?

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