Robyn Roste, Systems & Funnels

So I Love Charm Bracelets [Ulinx Review]

I just discovered Ulinx modular jewelry and I have to say, if 2012 has been anything it’s the year of the charm bracelet.

Ulinx modular jewelry

I’ve never had a charm bracelet but by now most of my friends do. Mostly Pandora.

In case you don’t know, a charm bracelet is just like a regular bracelet but customized. It’s filled with trinkets and pendants, which (usually) holds meaning for the wearer. I think the appeal is because you can make it your own.

Ulinx magnetic charm jewelry

Up until this point I had only heard of the kind where you purchase the bracelet, then separately you purchase all kinds of charms to hang off of the bracelet.

Ulinx is a bit different. First you build your charm bracelet online using their fancy DIY bracelet builder. Then you choose the style you like, and drag in the pendants you want from their large selection. As you build the price grows or shrinks on the sidebar so there are no surprises when you’re ready to purchase.

Update: It looks like the Ulinx website is no longer in service—very sorry! But I hope you enjoy the review anyway. This is a neat idea

I had a lot of fun building my dream bracelet. In fact I spent an entire weekend creating my personal masterpiece. Up until that moment I never thought I was interested in charm bracelets. Now, I’m kind of digging it. The funnest part about the jewelry being magnetic is you can swap around your design all the time. And you can order extra charms or linking spheres so you can build more or larger pieces.

All in all, I’m a fan.

I’m glad Ulinx is providing an awesome giveaway—$150 of Ulinx! I can tell you right now, that’s gonna be a nice Christmas surprise for the winner.

To enter all you have to do is browse the new Symbols Collection over at Ulinx and tell me your favourite pendant. You can tell me in the comments on this post, on Twitter, or however you generally talk to me. You can enter once and one winner will be chosen to receive $150 of Ulinx jewelry on Friday, December 21 so don’t put this off!

If I don’t know you remember to leave a way for me to contact you. Thanks to Ulinx for this great contest and for the cool experience.

Other reviews

I just discovered Ulinx modular jewelry and I have to say, if 2012 has been anything it's the year of the charm bracelet.

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